Friday, February 20, 2009

Good News

Yesterday we received the results of the protein test and found out that it was negative!  So we have at least 2 more weeks with no baby which is a good thing.  In two weeks, I'll be tested again to make sure it is still negative and then I should be able to go back to work for a few weeks.  The doc still wants me on bed rest and Austin is being really strict on me.  He says that even though the test came back negative, I still can't do anything around the house.  It is so hard for me not to do anything!  I go back to the doctor on Tuesday, so I will let ya'll know any new updates then.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So, if you haven't yet heard, I am on bed rest for the next 3 weeks.  I had my regular doctor checkup on Monday and asked the doctor to check me because I thought i was dilated.  Austin had checked me the week before because I was having some cervical pain and thought I was dilated maybe a half cm.  When the doctor checked me, she said I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  Then she hooked me up to this machine because she wanted to see if I was contracting.  And sure enough, I was having small but quite frequent contractions.  

So...the doctor is not sure why this is happening, but she gave me a steroid shot on Monday and another one yesterday.  This will help Abigail's lung development if she does come early.  The she prescribed me a drug to help with the contractions.  It is supposed to relax my uterus.  Finally she gave me a protein test yesterday and we should know the results of that today.  If negative, there is an almost certain probability that I will not deliver within the next two weeks.  If positive, there is a 1 in 5 chance that i could deliver within the next two weeks.  

Keep praying for us and I will try to give ya'll updates as I know them.  Believe me, I have plenty of time to update this thing now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Pictures Below

There are new baby bump pictures below.  Check them out!