Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Maddie Kate update

Maddie Kate is just such a miracle!  We had labs drawn today at her GI appointment and all have improved.  Her bilirubin is finally normal at 0.6!  Yeah!  So no more medicine for Maddie!  Her liver functions have also improved.  The GI doctor says we won't have to come back for another 6 months!  Can you believe that in 6 months Maddie will be 10 months old?  Time sure is flying.

Other firsts:  Maddie has started solids.  She has had rice cereal and pears.  She is not crazy about the rice cereal but loves the pears!  We plan on trying sweet potatoes next.  I had planned on waiting until closer till 6 months to start solids but when she started waking up in the middle of the night starving and she was already taking full bottles during the day, we decided it was time.  Also Maddie Kate has started laughing.  She really does have the sweetest laugh!  She is still rolling over front to back but is not quite ready to roll back to front.  She has discovered her hands but not her feet yet.  And she is gaining abdominal strength and will be sitting up before we know it!

Ok, I bid you adieu.  I hope God blesses your life in an unimaginable way like he has ours.