Monday, April 16, 2012

It's been awhile...

Sorry that I have not posted in awhile.  There have been several new things that have happened.  Abby had her 3rd birthday party and it was a blast!  Abby had so much fun playing with her cousins and friends in the inflatable!  Maddie Kate is growing like a weed.  She has two teeth now.  Her second tooth came in on April 5th.  Maddie is also officially army crawling now, but she is also getting up on all fours and rocking and lunging forward.  She will be crawling in no time at all.  Maddie Kate's new favorite thing is to pull out her hearing aids and put them in her mouth.  It is a battle everyday to keep them in.  I guess I'm going to have to start taping them to her head! 

Abby's speech is improving everyday.  She still says a few funny things though.  For example, when she pluralizes words, she adds an "a" before the "s".  So instead of saying "socks," she would say "sockas".  We can't seem to break her of this habit.  She also says "crap" instead of "crack."  She told me the other day that her chip had a crap in it.  She is becoming the regular helper nowadays.  She likes to help me with Maddie Kate and likes to help me clean and grocery shop.  She tells me she "loves to shop."  Oh boy!  She also has a little baby doll that she has named "little Maddie Kate."  She also has taken one of her purses and turned it into a diaper bag for little Maddie Kate.

Things to come:  We have Maddie Kate's next hearing test on May 2nd.  This hearing test is called a behavorial hearing test.  The test will be done without her aids on.  The audiologist will play sounds and increasingly higher decibals until Maddie Kate responds to the sound.  This is how we will know exactly how profound her hearing loss is.  It will also let us know whether she will for sure need cochlear implants or if she would do well with just the hearing aids.  Also, Austin has a couple of interviews set up with some clinics in Middle Tennessee.  One in Shelbyville and one in Murfreesboro.   Obviously we are not signing any contracts until we know what we are going to do about Maddie Kate (whether she will need to attend school at the Vanderbilt Mama Lere Hearing School or not).  Another thing coming up is that we are getting professional pictures of the girls.  We are going to try and get this scheduled for next week.  We have not had any professional pictures taken of Maddie Kate yet.