Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Abby at 3 months

Abby is 15 weeks now, a little over 3 months. She is getting so big! She weighs 14.5 pounds now. She is holding her head up so good now. If I put her on her tummy she pushes up. She loves to sit up too. She can't do it by herself yet, but she sure is trying! She has a great smile! She loves for you to talk to her. She smiles and coos and loves the attention! Her Papi even said that he got her to laugh! Abby has been chewing on her hands and drooling a lot lately too. We think that she may have some teeth coming up under her gums, but we don't think the teeth are ready to break through yet. Abby has started taking a bottle twice a day to get ready for daycare. I'm going to be so sad the first day I drop her off for daycare! I'm going to worry about her all day! I just know it!

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