Thursday, September 8, 2011

Update 9/8/11

Madelyn did well last night. She ate so well that we are out of milk that was stored in their freezer so Jess will have to catch up today. Neurology is supposed to come by today and discuss in more detail the MRI results. I still have not personally seen the scan but I'm not a neurologist or radiologist so my interpretation wouldn't do much good. There really is not much else as far as news because they won't do any more labs until tomorrow. I had a rough time yesterday with the news about the MRI but I'm doing much better today. Jess has handled pretty much the whole situation very well. We continue to put our faith in God and pray that he will give us strength and courage to handle everything he has given us. We can't express how much we appreciate all the support we have received from family ane friends. Our parents have been especially supportive and we'll never be able to repay them, but THANK YOU! We have received numerous emails, calls and texts from friends and family offering support. The main thing we ask is to continue to pray every single day for Madelyn. Jess and I have come to terms with the fact that she may not be like every other kid, but she'll be the most perfect human being to us no matter what. Also, Abby already has such a caring and nurturing personality that we know she will make sure her little sister is taken care of. Thanks again to all that have given or offerred support and prayers.


Mary Ann said...

I continue to remember Maddie Kate and your family in my prayers. There is no question about it.... she is perfect in every way and what she has already taught us in just her few days with us is immeasurable.

-Mary Ann Hartley-

Richard Lawson said...

Laura and I are praying for you all and Maddie Kate. You all are handling everything so well and I know that God will continue to do his work. If there is anything you all need, please do not hesitate to ask. We love you all

terismom said...

Dear Austin and Jessica, I don't know if you remember me, but I am Matt Simmons' mom. He shared with me about Madelyn and I have continued to read your updates. Please know that I pray everyday, and have enlisted the prayers of prayer warriors all over the world. Remember this...God doesn't make mistakes. He writes our life story and only He knows the ending. God's blessings and peace to both of you and your families.

Shannon said...

She will always be perfect because she's yours!<3 Shannon

JessW said...

Praying for baby Maddie and family. God has given you a beautiful and special gift of life.

With God's love,
Jessica Wright(M'boro Elect Dept)