Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wow it's Spring! (I meant to post this in spring of 2013. Ha it's now summer 2014!)

So I think that the only explanation of why I haven't posted since September is that I've been in hibernation. No but seriously I can't believe I've taken this long to post again. I really have to get better but I don't think my schedule is getting any less hectic any time soon. One of the reasons I keep a blog is as a makeshift baby book that my kids can look at someday when they are older. I figured if I didn't get to blogging again soon, I would forget everything new that's happened over the past 6+ months.

The first new thing that has happened since September is that we are expecting our 3rd child in August, a boy!  His name will be Everett William. Everett is just a name we like and William is named after Austin's pappy, William (Bill) Kegg. Pappy was such a strong and positive influence in Austin's life as a child, so this is a way to honor him. Austin is very excited about his first boy and is already planning hunting and fishing trips!  We are both excited, truth be told. Other news is that we have listed our house with a realtor now. We took it off "for sale by owner" around the holidays and decided to relist with a realtor this spring. The house has been on the market for about a month now, but no offer yet. Regardless, we will still be moving back to the boro in July. Now onto the girls...

So starting with Abby, Abby turned 4 years old last month. She finally feels like a big girl.  She feels like everything new she gets to do is "because she is 4 right?"  Any previous concerns we had about her not speaking are most definitely out the window!  This girl never stops talking!  I really need to talk to my parents and see if I talked this much at this age.  The funniest part about her speech is that she tries to mimic grown up sayings. I wish I could remember some specific examples right now, but I have baby least that's what I'm going to claim. Next time she says something funny, I'm going to write it down. Many times she says words incorrectly which can be funny too. The only thing I can remember right now that she consistently says incorrectly is instead of "forget", she says "reget".
Abby has quite an imagination. I guess that is normal at her age?  She comes up with pretend stories all the time, usually which are based on something she has seen or heard. This morning going to moms and more, she told me a story the entire way there and was still talking on the way inside. Her story was about how she lived in a cave and her momma bear protected her from another mean bear. It was obviously more elaborate than that, but can you guess what movie she watched recently? Yep, Brave.  Abby also is becoming quite the singer. She used to be pretty tone deaf, but now her singing isn't half bad. Her favorite songs to sing are from the little mermaid. She loves to pretend she is Ariel and that she can't speak. I usually have to play the role of Prince Eric or Ursula. Lol.
Abby also has a very good memory, she can remember things I said weeks ago!  I definitely can't tell her that "we can go to the park tomorrow" and then hope she forgets if its been a hectic day. Oh no, she will remind me. She is also very helpful at reminding us if we've forgotten to buckle her up (which does happen occasionally in a hurry!). Thankfully she usually reminds us right away.
As far as personality, she used to be quite shy. Not so anymore. She is very outgoing and tends to take on a leader role in many of her play groups. She also used to be quite cautious, but is now a lot more confident in her motor skills. She even takes getting a "boo-boo" much better now and will say "it's ok, it's just a scrape" or "no problem, it was just an accident", when before it was drama over every little thing. She is definitely maturing.  Abby is also very helpful. She loves to help me around the house. Some of the chores she helps with are wiping down the bathroom counters, picking up her toys, making her bed, wiping the kitchen table and putting dinner dishes in the sink.  Abby also helps "teach" Maddie Kate. Right now we are working on animal sounds with Maddie and Abby is such a big helper. Maddie loves to do everything her big sister does which helps. Abby also really wants to help put maddie to bed. She wants to be the one who rocks her and sings her a lullaby. Maddie won't have any of that though. I think Abby will really enjoy her baby brother because she will actually be old enough to help out now. She is so nurturing.
Since Abby will be 5 in no time at all, we have been working on pre-reading skills (thank God for iphone apps!). Abby seems more receptive to reading now that she's four but is not there yet. She is starting to recognize many two letter sight words and a few longer words like big, cat, see, and jump. She can also write her name now although sometimes the "tail" of her "y" extends down the entire page instead of stopping where the other letters stop. I guess that's it for Abby. Now onto Maddie Kate...

(Sorry Maddie.  This is wear I left off back in 2013.  I will update new things in the next post...2014 :/)

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