Well, I started back to school 3 weeks ago. I had one week of school, then we had spring break, and then school this week. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said I was 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. Then Wednesday night, I began having contractions and so we went to the hospital when they were 4 min apart. When I got there, they said they weren't that strong and gave me some water to make sure I was hydrated. Since the contractions didn't get anymore severe and I didn't dilate anymore at the hospital, they sent me home. I could have just been dehydrated or I could be in early labor. I'm pretty sure I've had my "bloody show" (ladies you probably know what I'm talking about). It is a sign of early labor. My nurse saw some blood while I was there and I have had some since then. It is caused from the cervix dilating and effacing. I have also felt several cramps today although still nothing severe. I have been drinking water constantly so that the next time I feel contractions, I'll know for sure that they are not from dehydration. I thinking/hoping that it could be this weekend...but things hardly ever go the way we think, huh? I'll keep ya'll posted and try to put some more pictures of my belly and the nursery up tonight.
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