Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Doctor, Baby Shower, and More...

Went to the doctor yesterday and the good news is that I haven't dilated or effaced anymore.  Yea!  Doc did another protein test and we should hopefully find out the results of that by the end of the week.  If it's negative, I should return to work on Monday.

I had my first baby shower on February the 21st here in Memphis at my friend Amy's house.  The shower was hosted by Amy, my friend Brooke, and my co-teacher Tamela.  It was absolutely beautiful!  The food was wonderful, and they had a little diaper cake and a little baby sock corsage for me.  I also received some wonderful gifts for little Abigail and have already started setting up the nursery.  When I get my camera back from my sister (love you sis!)  I'll try to post some pictures from the shower.  I'm also going to take some pictures of the nursery and post them later.  

Abigail is moving and kicking all the time now.  I don't go very long without feeling her.  She is still being shy when other people try to feel her kick though.  Not sure why, but she'll just be moving and a jiggling in there and when someone puts their hand on my tummy to feel her, she just stops.  I don't know how she knows!  I've not been sleeping very well the past week.  I've had a really hard time getting comfortable and my legs get really numb and sore in the middle of the night.  I'm constantly tossing and turning.  I also have to get up several times a night to use the bathroom or turn on the fan because I'm sweating or get a snack bar because my stomach is growling.  No fun!  That's the only thing I'm worried about when I go back to school...that I won't have enough sleep to function.  Oh well.  I'll be back for a week, then spring break for a week then only a few more weeks after that.  I'm excited about getting back to the kiddos though.

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