Thursday, September 15, 2011

Maddie Kate is home!

Hey all!  Maddie Kate, mommy, and Abby got to come home yesterday (9/14/11) after almost 2 weeks in the hospital.  Yeah!  We were discharged around 3:30 pm yesterday and arrived home around 6 pm.  We unloaded the car and staged all of Maddie Kate's meds so that we could easily access them.  Then around 8 pm, it was time to give her the meds by ourselves for the first time.  Madelyn slept and ate great last night. 

We had a busy start to our day today.  Up at 7:15, meds at 8:00, get abby ready for mother's day out (my mom is here and took her for me), and Maddie Kate's first pediatric appointment at 9:00.  We didn't make it to the appointment until 9:30 because Maddie's medicine takes an hour to pump through her body and then I had to get us ready and out the door.  I of course called the pediatrician to let them know I would be late :).  After getting home around 11:30, I was on the phone forever trying to get home health straightened out because they had scheduled us with two different companies.  Then it was on to getting the house cleaned.  Whew!  Thankfully my mom was here to watch and entertain Abby.  Austin came home for a little while this evening before he had to go back to the hospital (on call tonight).  It is so nice to be able to be here with him.  I know he was missing his girls. 

They drew more labs today.  Madelyn's platelets were up to 200k!  Her bilirubin was about the same.  The pediatrician also told us that the amount of CMV in her system is less than half what it was to begin with.  I guess that means the antiviral is working?!?

Again, Austin and I just can't begin to express in words how thankful we are to have such a wonderful group of family and friends.  The outpouring of support and prayers we have received is immeasurable.  We are and will always be eternally grateful.  We ask for continued prayers for Madelyn's development.  The pediatrician says that she looks perfect right now but the question is will she meet her development milestones and of course pass her next hearing test.  Madelyn is definitely a testament to God's power.  She is already doing so much better than expected!  We love you all!



Shannon said...

God's got something special planned for that little girl! Glad she's doing so well! -Shannon

Roxishayne said...

I am so happy to hear the good news. God is so good! Thank you for posting and keeping us updated. We love you guys.
Roxi and Will

terismom said...

I will definitely pass on this wonderful news to the many out there praying for Maddie. I will ask for continued prayer for her. God is good!

Mary Ann said...

Still keeping you all in our prayers. I know your Mom is a big help. Tell her if I can do anything at her house just let me know. Give Maddie Kate and Abby a big hug and kiss for us.