Saturday, September 10, 2011

Update 9/10/11

Maddie Kate got to move to another NICU unit at Vanderbilt last night which is actually what they consider a "step down" unit.  It is for patients that are stable and don't need as intensive care.  We have a bigger room now with a bed I can sleep in so that I can nurse her at night.  We can also eat in this room and we have a bathroom in the room.  Yeah!  Last night was my first night staying with Maddie and man was she being needy.  She wouldn't hardly let me lay her down all night!  I think we both finally got to sleep a little after 4 this morning.  I guess she just needed some mommy time. 

Also, not to be too optimistic, but there were several times last night I felt that Maddie Kate responded to noise.  She seemed to startle when alarms from other babies rooms went off or if the life flight helicopter flew by.  I also noticed that while she was trying to go to sleep, her heart rate would drop just a little, but then if there was a loud noise, her heart rate would rise like it startled her awake just a bit.  It would then drop again after the noise stopped.  Again, not to be too optimistic...but I'm hopeful and still praying!

Please keep Maddie Kate in your prayers.  They are working!  Maddie Kate is definitely a strong testament to God and the power of prayer.  Keep praying for Austin as well as he had to go back to work today and will be gone the remainder of the week.



terismom said...

Jessica, you and Austin and Maddie Kate are in my prayers. God bless you as you go through these uncertain days. It must have been so difficult for Austin to leave both of you and for you to see him go. Keep the faith, Jessica, and feel God's presence. Surely He is standing beside Maddie's bed, keeping watch with you. Please continue the updates. There are so many more people praying for all of you than you'll ever know.

Beth and Brad said...

Such a nice thing to be able to sleep up there with her! I know that is such a good thing for both of you!! Sorry we kept playing phone tag... just know I'm praying and love you all. Hopefully I'll see you soon!

Carol Smith said...

So glad to hear the news you posted--I dont think it is too optomistic of you to feel the way you do about her ability to hear--The body thru God's help has a great ability to heal and thrive and it appears that is just what Maddie is doing--healing and thriving and she definitely needs her mommy so---so glad you are able to stay with her nurse her and give her the attention she really needs--LOVE is a great benefit to healing from the inside out!!

BBLubin said...

Love y'all! Xoxo