Monday, September 12, 2011

Update 9/12/11

Sorry that I did not update yesterday.  The reason being is that it was a pretty uneventful day.  No lab work, no new information.  Maddie Kate is doing great.  She is feeding well and sleeping well.  I've had pretty good sleep the past two nights.  She is pretty efficient at nursing already compared to Abby at this age which is nice.  She hates having her diaper changed and her temperature checked.  She likes to be swaddled up and have her passy. 

News today:

Maddie's platelets were up to 157 today!  They tested her neutrofils but i'm not sure what the absolute neutrofil count was (and i'm not sure if i'm spelling neutrofil right so please forgive me if i'm butchering it!).  They were going to draw blood tomorrow to test her bilirubin and liver enzyme levels and such, but they are doing it today instead.  The reason being is that they are trying to set us up with a home health agency so that we can take Maddie Kate home!  If we can find an agency in Jackson that works with pediatrics, then we can go home with Maddie and give her treatment at home.  Austin and I would adminster the antiviral and home health would come twice a week to draw her blood. They thought we might get to go home tomorrow and now it's looking more like Wednesday.  Again all this depends on if we can find an agency and get it approved through insurance.  Please keep praying that we can finally go home!

If I find out any more information today, I will post another update.



terismom said...

Wonderful news that Maddie Kate may be able to go home!! Just enlisted another large group of prayer warriors to get the message out. Please keep those updates coming. Miracles are happening every moment!

Shannon said...

Praying that you finally get to take your little angel home! She is such a strong little thing! I'll still be praying for your family! -Shannon