Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Update 9/6/11

Here is how our day went today:
The team rounded on Madelyn this morning. There wasn't much to report except that her bilirubin levels went down again and her platelets only went down by 1000 where they have been going down by 10000 a day. Also they started ganciclover treatment last night (not sure if we posted that yet). This morning they put a PICC line in which is just an IV that can be used for a long period of time. This is what they will be using to adminster her ganciclover treatment. We have not yet received results from the lumbar puncture. Hopefully we will get those back tomorrow. Maddie Kate also had an MRI today on her abdomen and brain. Hopefully we will know those results tomorrow as well. The opthamalogist did an eye exam today and said everything looked normal which was wonderful news. The nurse just informed me that she is supposed to get her repeat hearing screen tomorrow. The results on that should be immediate. I guess that is it. Maddie has had a very busy day and is getting some much needed rest right now. Mommy and daddy haven't gotten to spend much time with her today so hopefully tomorrow will be better.
By the way. A lot of people are asking how we are holding up. We are actually probably doing better than a lot of our family. We are putting our faith and trust in God right now and that is all we can do. God doesn't give us anything we can't handle and we have to play the hand we're dealt. All in all, things could be much worse and each day that another test comes back with good results, we get more hope. 


Unknown said...

Jessica and Austin, the love and in strength you two have for one another and for God is what I believe is helping you get through this. I admire the strength I see in both of you. Jason and I will continue to pray for Maddie Kate. Can't wait to meet her and give y'all BIG hugs!

Ronnie said...

Awesome news!!! Continued prayers coming your way. Ron, Beth, and Big Cousin Al.

Shannon said...

Great News! Hope she (and you) can stay strong in the faith that God is in control! Much love! Shannon

S Cobb said...

Maddie Kate is absolutely gorgeous ! Just want you to know that the Cobb Family (your Moms friend Susan) is praying for you. We are praying for clarity, strength, endurance, and a peace that surpasses all understanding for you the parents. And, praying for comfort, healing and recovery for Madelyn.