Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Update 9/7/11

This is probably going to be the hardest post to publish.  We got back the results from Madelyn's MRI today.  The MRI of the abdomen was normal but the MRI of the brain showed injury in the temporal and parietal lobes.  In addition to this, Maddie Kate failed her second hearing screen today.  The audiologist plans on doing another screen in a couple of weeks as well as other types of hearing tests.  At this point we do not know the extent of the damage in her brain.  We think it may not be very advanced since her CT scan showed no calcifications.  However, we won't really know what's been affected until she gets older and we can see what milestones she is or is not meeting.  What we are worried about right now is obviously hearing loss, developmental delays, and learning disabilities.  Please keep Maddie Kate in your prayers.  I still believe in miracles!  Let's give God a chance to show off.

More to come...


Shannon said...

Still thinking about you. Miracles happen everyday. -Shannon

Beth and Brad said...

love you guys and i'm praying for you all! know that everyone here and at SGC are praying for you all!!

Elizabeth said...

God performed the greatest miracle when he blessed our lives with a little angel. He is bigger than any adversity. We love you all and are holding our prayers strong!

damnoldgun said...

Want you to know Madelyn is in my daily prayers! I'm the guy from TnDucks who's son Matthew has been and continues to deal with the brain injury issues - at least in the form of seizures.. Please rememember what I posted there.. God is in control! Matthews right temporal lobe is over 90% non-functional scar tissue - yet if we can get a handle on seizures - this missing brain component has truly effected him in no way that we can see..because God chose for it to be that way.. I will be praying for Madelyn every single day and checking back here for updates.. If you EVER just need someone to talk know how to reach me through TnDucks and Im in West Tn.. God Bless!!

Laurel said...

Our heavenly Father, we know that you are in total control of the situation and we are grateful. Please Father, surround Jessica, Austin, Abbbey, and Mattie with your presence, peace and love. Guide the medical personnel as they take care of Mattie. Please give them the wisdom and the insight that they need. We know that Mattie is special to you and you know exactly what you are doing. Also, let Jessica and Austin know that they must be very special people for you to entrust Mattie to their care. We love you and are honored that you love and care about each of us. In Christ's name. Amen.