Friday, October 28, 2011

Update 10/28/11

Don't believe me when I say I'm going to update the same day I guess.  Madelyn's doc appointment was fine on Wednesday.  No new news.  The doc thought her skin and eyes looked less yellow but drew more blood to verify levels.  She wants her to continue her medicine until her bilirubin levels are completely back to normal.  We don't have to have another visit with her for 2 more months.  I also asked her about the risks of taking valganciclover and she said that Madelyn should be fine.  The studies I was worried about talked about fertility and cancer issues in lab rats, but the doc said they give them an extremely high dose of the medicine, far higher than we would ever give a human.  In fact, cancer is shown in many studies of drugs on animals for that very reason.

Other than that, Madelyn is doing good.  She is only waking up once a night to eat now, finally!  She is on a pretty good schedule.  She is a touchy baby, however, and has a hard time falling to sleep if her schedule isn't followed just right.  Hopefully she will grow out of that soon.  I'm just glad to be getting some sleep in the meantime. 

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