Friday, November 11, 2011

Update 11/11/11

Hello all.  Sorry it has been two weeks since I last updated.  Madelyn's doing well.  She has her good days and her bad days.  Today has been a good day so far.  She has followed her schedule pretty much to a tee and has slept and ate well.  Tuesday was a bad day...she probably only napped for an hour or so all day.  Madelyn is still rolling over from front to back.  She did it consistently for about 4 days this past week, but she hasn't done it at all the past day or two.  Maddie also is smiling consistently now in response to faces.  She coos some too although it doesn't seem to be in response to any faces.  She has also started to bat at objects hanging near her.  You wouldn't know that she was deaf.  She acts like any other baby...she just doesn't react to sounds.

Other news, we went to the pediatrician last thursday 11/3/11 for Maddie Kate's two week checkup.  She is right on track and is around the 20th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.  He said she looked perfect!  Maddie was not happy when we left that day because she had to have more blood drawn as well as get three shots in her legs for her immunizations.

We met with our teacher for the first time on Tuesday.  She seemed really nice, however she did not know sign language.  We were told that our teacher was supposed to teach us sign language, but how is she supposed to do that if she doesn't even know it.  She says she is supposed to take a sign language course, but I could probably learn it just as fast on my own using the internet!

Abby is doing well.  I try to make sure she has some one-on-one time with mommy every day so that she doesn't get jealous.  She likes Maddie Kate but is only interested in her some of the time.  Abby is enjoying mother's day out twice a week.  They are currently working on Christmas songs for a Christmas program they are doing this year.  I can't wait!  One of the songs they are singing is Jingle Bells which Abby calls Jima Bells.  They are also singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", "Away In a Manger", and "Go Tell it on the Mountain."  I can't wait!  She is going to be so cute!

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