Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New things for Maddie Kate

Maddie Kate is 5 months now.  Yeah!  As of this past weekend, she is now rolling over both ways!! We think she may be cutting her first tooth.  She has had some sleepless nights lately and has a little place on her gums that looks primed for a tooth.  Her new favorite thing is jumping in her jumper.  I think she likes it so much because she can stand in it, and she loves to stand!  She can sit supported and is on the verge of sitting unsupported. 

Maddie's hearing aids are still working very well for her.  We have to get new ear molds about every month because her ears are growing so fast.  She definitely vocalizes a lot more with the aids on but we still don't know how much language she is getting.  When she is able to sit up independently and turn her head towards sounds, they will do another hearing test.  They do not want to do the same test they did when she was 3 weeks old because they would have to sedate her now to keep her from moving during the test.

Abby is growing too.  She will be 3 years old next month.  She is talking a lot more and a lot more clearly now.  She is definitely at the imitating stage too and she loves to be a big helper.  Last night she helped me wash the dishes.  So cute!  She loves school and loves learning.  She knows how to count to 10 in spanish now.  She has lots of "favorites" now.  Her favorite TV show is Dora the Explorer, her favorite stuffed animal is pokey puppy, her favorite color is pink, and her favorite book is Lady and the Tramp.  These could of course all change next week.  She has many more favorites and likes to tell you things that are her favorite all the time.  For example, we were eating soup the other day and I said "why don't you take a bite of carrot.  You like carrots." And she said "mmm, carrots are my favorite!"  Of course the corn and the beans in the soup were apparently her favorites too.

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