Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring is in the air...

Well spring is officially in the air.   Yeah!  I cannot wait for this summer.  I am looking forward to all of the fun things we are going to be able to do with the girls. 

Maddie Kate has cut her first tooth.  She cut it on March 3rd.  Also she is officially sitting up!  I am working on uploading new pictures and videos to our shutterfly site so check them out at  It may take a few hours to upload so maybe check back tomorrow.  Maddie is also wants to crawl really bad.  She is almost getting up on all fours, but is not quite there yet.  When she scoots, she usually either moves in a circle or scoots backward.  She has not been able to pull herself forward yet.

Abby is getting very excited about her Dora birthday party coming up!  We sure hope it doesn't rain so that we can have the inflatable for the kids!  Abby has been a very big helper lately and helps do the dishes almost every night.  She also is gettting to where she likes to help with Maddie Kate more.

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