Sunday, November 2, 2008

First Trimester

Austin and I had just discussed getting pregnant.  We both really wanted a baby although we weren't sure if it was the right time with Austin still being in medical school.  We decided that although it would be stressful, it would be one of the most wonderful things that had ever happened to us.  Then poof!  A week later we find out that we are already pregnant!  I took the test at home one Friday evening and called Austin as soon as it showed a faint plus sign.  He didn't believe me or the test, so we went back to the store that night and got a digital test that said pregnant or not pregnant...and of course it said pregnant!  It was a pleasant surprise.  I think we were both in disbelief for a few weeks.  Austin wanted to wait until after the first trimester to tell our friends and family, but I couldn't wait.  I'm too impatient.  I finally convinced Austin that we should go ahead and tell everyone when I was about 7 weeks pregnant.  I think they were as surprised as we were.

As soon as I was 6 weeks pregnant, I was having trouble fitting into my normal clothes.  I could pull my pants on, but was having trouble getting them buttoned.  I felt as though I had just had one too many servings of dinner the night before.  I had my first bout of morning sickness at about 7 weeks.  That lasted for about three days and I haven't been sick since.  At that point, the extreme tiredness had not yet kicked in.  I didn't start getting really sleepy until about 10 weeks pregnant.  I was so tired that it took me three school periods to wake up and then as soon as I got home, I went straight to the couch for a long nap.  That lasted for about 3 weeks and then suddenly went away.  At about the same time I got extremely tired, I also got extremely hungry.  I was constantly hungry and felt like I needed to eat every hour.  I couldn't get enough food!  That also faded.  Now I feel pretty normal except for the occasional heartburn.  

I had my first Dr. appointment at 8 weeks.  At this point, I had already gained 3 pounds.  Austin was able to go with me to that appointment.  There was really nothing special about that appointment except for the fact that they confirmed I was pregnant.  We were hoping that I would get an ultrasound, but I didn't.  Neither one of us were crazy about the first doctor so we switched to Dr. Dulaney after hearing others at my work sing her praises.  I went to see Dr. Dulaney when I was 10 weeks pregnant.  I'd gained another 3 pounds by this appointment! She let me hear the heartbeat and sent me to a clinic for an ultrasound.  The ultrasound was the most wonderful experience ever!  To be able to see our little creation was so magical...I only wish Austin could have been there.  My 3rd appointment was at 13 weeks.  I had put on another 4 pounds at this point.  I was gaining weight like crazy!  Austin was able to come with me to this appointment and was finally able to hear the heartbeat for himself.  We opted for the screening tests...mainly for the ultrasound...but they were not available to do and ultrasound that day.  So Austin missed out on the second ultrasound. :(  I had to go back for the ultrasound/test the next day and was able to see how much our baby had grown and also could see it kicking and moving its little feet and hands.  Of course I had a picture made so that Austin could see our little baby.

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