Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When is she due?...

So I went to the doctor today and had good news.  I do not have gestational diabetes.  My blood sugar was 108 and it needed to be below 135 so that was good.  Also, I only gained 1 pound over the past two weeks.  This is good seeing as I had gained 10 pounds over the holidays!  I had another ultrasound today and had measurements of the baby taken.  The weird thing was that all of the measurements measured the baby at 30 weeks and I'm only supposed to be 28 weeks.  Not sure what this means.  I asked the ultrasound tech if that meant that the measurements were off and she said that she would think that except that ALL of the measurements measured 30 weeks, except for the abdomen which measured 29 weeks.  So does this mean that Abby will be earlier than expected or that she will just be a bigger baby?  The tech asked the doctor if she wanted to see me after the ultrasound and she said no, so I do not know the doctor's opinion on this matter.  I go back in three weeks so we shall see what happens.  The ultrasound said my due date would be April 8th.  I haven't had a chance to ask Austin what he thinks about this so I will update again once I talk to him.

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