Monday, January 12, 2009

After Christmas...

Hey all.  I have posted another baby bump picture below and should be taking another one tomorrow.  It's after Christmas now and we are back to the grind.  Christmas break was a lot of fun, but very exhausting.  We were all over the state of Tennessee.  Baby Abigail got some really cute things for Christmas such as clothes, a monogrammed blanket, a monogrammed bag, some slippers, and some snuggly toys.  Getting spoiled already!  :)  Thanks all for those wonderful gifts for her.  I'm sure she will love them!  We got back to Memphis on New Years Day and went the following weekend to register for Abby at Babies R Us.  It was so exhausting!  Austin and I were really excited and thought it would be so much fun, but by the end of it, we were both ready to get out of that store never to return!  The most exhausting part of it was not really knowing what we needed and/or not knowing what brand of each item that was the best.  For example, there was an entire wall of bottles.  We had to read the back of each package of bottles to see what each one was good for and even after that, we still had no clue as to what to get.  On top of that, I had really bad sciatic nerve pain that day (which is the nerve that runs down the back of the leg).  A lot of pregnant women get it because the weight of the baby pushes on that nerve.  It was awful!  I felt like I had to drag my leg through the store.  Baby Abby has been kicking me a lot more lately.  All the time actually.  She really kicks at night, so Austin and I are afraid she is going to be a night person and will keep us up all night!  We think that maybe she is scared of Austin because she stops kicking every time Austin tries to feel her kick.  Maybe she is not scared...maybe Austin just calms her down. :)  He has been able to feel her a few times, but not as many as I would have liked him too.  I go to the doctor again tomorrow for my checkup and my glucose tolerance test.  We shall see how that goes.  I will post more later.

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