Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sleeping Through the Night!

I don't want to jinx it, but I would say that Maddie Kate is officially sleeping through the night!  Last night she went down somewhere between 8 and 9.  She woke up at 2, but I was able to give her pacifier to her and she went back to sleep until 5 am!  She ate for maybe 5 min at 5 am and then was asleep until after 7.  Hopefully we have a repeat of that tonight.  I've tried dropping her early morning feed by using her pacifier before, but it hasn't worked until now. 

Austin has been working a lot lately.  We figured out that he was only home 3 nights this past week.  One of those he went straight to bed and another 1 we used to drive to Memphis to get a buffet we found on Craigs List.  So until tonight, we have basically only had 1 night home as a family.  It has been crazy and very exhausting for both of us.  I told Austin that I have felt like a single mother this past week.  He is on vacation for the next week and we will be heading to Nashville to my dad's on Tuesday night to stay for a few days.  We originally were going to go somewhere like Hot Springs, AR or the Biltmore, but it didn't work out. We just figured it would be too soon for Maddie Kate to travel that far.  So we decided to just vacation in Nashville.  It's not much of a getaway for dad and Darlene, but at least they are off work!  We will probably plan on seeing the Christmas lights at Opryland and the new Madagascar ice exhibit.  I think dad and Austin will probably go fly fishing one day.  And we may take Abby to see The Lion King in 3D one day. 

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