Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update 11/29/11

Well we got snow here in Jackson yesterday and today.  I can't remember the last time we've had snow in November!  Abby enjoyed it.  We're going to have to get her some snow boots though because she's grown out of hers from last year. 

We go Thursday for an appointment with Infectious Disease.  We decided to take Maddie off the valganciclover because the drug is still relatively new and not enough studies have been done to prove that there is no cancer risk in humans.  I just don't want to take the chance.  Also Maddie has an appointment on Friday to get her hearing aids.  I am anxious to see how she does with them!  Also, we found out yesterday that she is going to have to have a liver biopsy next week because her liver enzymes are not improving.  I guess they just want to be on the safe side and make sure nothing serious is going on.

Other firsts:  Maddie Kate laughed for the first time today!  I had her sitting in her Bumbo seat and we were playing patty cake when it happened.  So cute!  I wish Austin could have been there to see it.

I guess that is all for now.

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